Construction App Development

Contractor Apps are becoming more and more prevalent as businesses look to automate operations as much as possible.  Digital Fractal offers fully-customized, bespoke solutions whether…

Package Delivery App Development

The rise of the food, package and grocery delivery apps has transformed a multitude of industries.  You may have a new concept that requires professional business…

Market Place App Development

Two-way marketplace apps require either a buyer and seller role, or a client and service provider. Within these applications you typically find a marketplace where…

DOOH Billboard Advertising Management System

DigiStreamView is a web based digital taxi top LED screen billboard and in taxi tablet ad management system designed for moving billboards that are installed on Taxi Tops,…

Oil & Gas Solutions Development

Are you looking for a custom developed app for the energy industry?  Whether you require a tailor-made welding app, drilling app, pipeline construction app or…

Smart Home App Development

You may be interested in developing a customized smart home app.  Current trends in the smart home app space include voice assistant integration, air quality…